Monday, April 11, 2011

Trestleboard April 2011

From the East…
Brethren; We continue to grow and grow, sometimes so much that we have growing pains…
those pains that are good and healthy and happy to have.
Many in the Fraternity would have you believe that Masonry is shrinking, but ‘au contraire
we are indeed growing, on a global, national, jurisdiction and even on a Lodge level…
Here at Queen Anne we are outpacing all of the other categories of growth. Since I joined
Queen Anne five years ago we have had our ranks swell by 16 new or Affiliated Masons.
For those of you who have not yet me them, please come to our next Stated Communication
on Thursday, April 14th and meet them, they are (in alphabetical order): Bro. Brian
Chambers, S:.W:.; Bro. Thomas Dawkins; Bro. Steven Djordjevich; Bro. Daniel Done,
Marshall; Bro. Andy Goeres, S:.D:.; Bro. David Gunter, J:.W:.; Bro. Justin Hunter, Chaplin;
Bro. Shaun Lewis; Bro. Dantes La Hens; Bro. Michael Nall; Bro. Jose Olguin, J:.D:.; Bro.
Justin Phelps, Musician; Bro. Chris Rager; Bro. David Michael Ramirez II, S:.S:.; Bro.
Shane Powhaten Robinson; Bro. Zane Sanderson, J:.S:. See you Thursday!
~Your Worshipful Master, Kenneth W Cavallon

Click on the image above or here for the complete Trestleboard PDF

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